Money Stories

Have you sat in Mass on Sunday, knowing you should be focusing on the homily, but instead stressing about your money? The thoughts that pop in our heads range from small “Did I pay that electric bill?” type questions to bigger concerns like “How can we ever afford kids when we’re too strapped paying our student loans?” We sit there and wonder how we can be such anxious mess while everyone else looks like they have their financial act together.
The truth is that most of our financial issues are not unique. We just think they are because we don’t talk about them. The Money Stories Podcast aims to get Catholics talking about their money because we learn best by listening to stories. In this podcast, Caitlyn Kano, AFC FFC, will interview fellow Catholics who have a money story to tell. Together, we can benefit from the lessons they learned on their personal journeys to become faithful financial stewards. 
Music Credits:
Happy by MusicbyAden Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library


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