
Showing posts from May, 2019

Manage Your Money God's Way - Learning To Be Content

Scientific evidence suggests that being content may have major benefits for your health. For starters, it helps combat stress, boosts your immune system, protects your heart and reduces pain.  What's more, it may even increase your life expectancy. What does it mean to be a contented person? Happiness is a temporary "high,"whereas contentment is a longer lasting, deeper feeling of satisfaction and gratitude for everything in your life. Read the  Compass blog  for more on learning to be content.

Manage Your Money God's Way - Heal Financial Infidelity

Marriage is a joint venture in all areas, even when it comes to money. When you get married, you don’t vow to share all financial aspects of your life with your spouse—but maybe you should.  Nothing will ruin a marriage faster than hiding financial details from each other. Our podcast suggests ways to break down those financial walls that are separating you from each other. Also check out our blog  for more ways to share your finances with your spouse.

Manage Your Money God's Way - Benefits of a Financial Planner 2

John Kennedy, CFP Ò and fiduciary, offers advice on saving for retirement.  Check out this link and look at page 13 for the intersection of your age and salary. Multiply your salary by the number in the intersection to see how much you should have saved for retirement at your current age. John also comments on his personal experience with the  Compass Catholic Navigating Your Finances God’s Way and  Set Your House in Order Bible studies. Not only did it help him in his financial planner role, it also helped him and his wife communicate about their personal finances. Read the Compass Catholic Blog  for more benefits of using a financial planner.

Manage Your Money God's Way - Benefits of a Financial Planner

Manage Your Money God's Way - Keep Old Car or Replace It?

Your car broke down, and now you're faced with a high repair bill. AGAIN! It's not the first time this has happened, and you're getting tired of pouring money into an older model car. How do you decide whether it’s time to repair or replace? Join us for the options to consider when you are trying to make this decision, and check out our  blog for more on this topic .  Take your time and make a well thought out decision.