Manage Your Money God's Way - 7 Steps to Help You Keep Your Resolutions

The failure rate for keeping new year resolutions is 80%.  What seems like a good idea at the time can turn into drudgery if you don’t have a solid plan in place for how to actually keep the resolutions you make—whether you make them at the beginning of the year or the middle of July.
Here are 7 Steps to help you keep those resolutions:
  1. Make one or two resolutions, not more
  2. Define the reason you want to make the change
  3. Make sure your resolution is achievable
  4. Make your resolution part of a long term goal
  5. Make the resolution very specific
  6. Automate as much as you can
  7. Check you progress regularly
The Compass Catholic blog has more details about the above suggestions for actually making the change you want in your life.


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