
Showing posts from February, 2019

Manage Your Money God's Way - Is A Healthcare Sharing Plan Right For You? Part 2

Health care sharing plans are gaining popularity in the face of the rising cost of traditional health insurance. Both traditional insurance and health care sharing plans have pros and cons, so be sure you know the difference. For an overview, check out last week’s podcast and blog, which also provides links to the major health care sharing plans. This week we’ll focus on what health care sharing plans do not cover and what questions to consider asking if you are making a decision on which to buy. Check out the related  blog .

Manage Your Money God's Way - Is A Healthcare Sharing Plan Right For You?

Increases in the cost of traditional health insurance have driven many people to participate in health care sharing plans. Sharing plans are usually based on Christian ideals where like-minded people help each other. If you are considering a health care sharing plan, listen in for how this differs from traditional health insurance. For links to the major healthcare sharing plans, check out the Compass Catholic  blog  which has more details on this option for health care. And join us next week for Healthcare Sharing Plans - Part 2 where we’ll share some questions to ask before participating.

Manage Your Money God's Way - Congratulations On Your Engagement

There are lots of things to think about and plan for as you approach your wedding day. Unfortunately, most couples who are engaged to be married talk more about the flavor of their wedding cake than about their marital finances. The cake cutting ceremony takes about 10 minutes but finances are something they’ll deal with every day of their entire married life. The Compass Catholic  blog  has more about why the “Money Talk” is so important to a strong healthy marriage.

Manage Your Money God's Way - Lessons From A Financial Trainwreck

Here’s a family who has made, and continues to make financial mistakes. They admit the error of their ways but just can’t seem to grow up enough to stop the madness. The Compass Catholic  blog  has more about this couple who are in the middle of financial train wreck, but won’t make the effort to escape. Take this as a warning and examine your own finances!